Lawton Events

LAWTON Dean on Call

Assistant Dean José J. Madera will be available once a week (TUESDAYS, 1:30 – 5:00 pm) to assist or advise you while discussing questions related to general matters regarding Lawton Grant eligibility, financial stewardship, and related themes. These sessions are not intended to substitute your established connections and scheduled meetings with your academic advisor. Please contact Dean Madera in advance via e-mail ( to select a day/time to meet. He will reply with a meeting confirmation via Microsoft TEAMS or ZOOM invitation link.



This is an informational and financial literacy presentation three-session series during Fall ’22. So far, we have selected the following weeks for the presentations and are currently finalizing, and will soon disclose, specific details (date, time, link).


Ready, Set, GO!                                3rd week (SEPT 19-23) 

This is an introduction to the LAWTON Team. A conversation about the start of the semester, engagement opportunities, advising/dean services, scholarship opportunities, general financial aid questions, etc.


Financial Stewardship                      6th week (OCT 10-14) 

A discussion w Q&A regarding how to better manage budgets and maintain financial stability throughout your undergraduate experience and beyond.


Internship & Career Advise            10th week (NOV 07-11) 

In collaboration with CAE and L&S SuccessWorks, this session will focus on Internship and jobs searching services that will add value and provide unique opportunities as an undergraduate and beyond.