STEM Dean on Call
Assistant Dean José J. Madera will be available once a week (TUESDAYS, 1:00 – 3:00 pm) to assist or advise you while discussing questions related to general matters about STEM-focused research, major exploration, community contacts, etc. These sessions are not intended to substitute your established connections and scheduled meetings with your academic advisor. Please contact Dean Madera in advance via e-mail ( to select a day/time to meet. He will reply with a meeting confirmation via Microsoft TEAMS or ZOOM invitation link.
STEM Coach and Course Instructor
L&S STEM Scholars graduate assistant, Michael J Payton, is available on MONDAYS 2:00 – 3:00 pm and WEDNESDAYS 11:00 am – 12:00 pm to assist you with any LASER and/or INTEGSCI 150 related questions. His office is located at B Bascom Hall, in the Center for Academic Excellence. You can contact Michael in advance via e-mail ( to schedule an in-person or remote meeting.