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Academic advising is a fundamental service provided by our institution; it aims to educate and retain students and assist them in achieving their educational goals. Academic advisors will help you develop strategies for success and make important decisions about your future. They also encourage problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making and beyond providing basic guidance on how to satisfy major and degree requirements.
Below, please find links to some of the STEM-related advising centers throughout campus.
Research Opportunities/REU Programs
One of the most exciting things in life is to discover something new. Undergraduate students at UW–Madison are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with some of the world’s leading researchers to push the frontiers of knowledge. The options range from assisting with ongoing research to designing and directing your own project. Check out the programs below to find information about undergraduate research opportunities.
Learning/Instructional/Engagement Resources
The University of Wisconsin-Madison also offers a wide array of what we call High-Impact Practices, or HIPs. They are a set of purposeful learning experiences that have been shown to deepen student learning and engagement; raise levels of performance, retention and success for students; and promote intellectually engaging and effective educational practices.
Academic Support Across Campus
Peer Learning Association: Includes sections for Bio, Chem, Math, Physics, and beyond
GUTS: See “Get a Tutor” tab where students can sign up for small group-support in a variety of subjects. “Drop-in” is another useful resources to use throughout the semester at a variety of locations. They also offer study stills workshops for students.
Academic Coaching and Tutoring Service (ACTS): Matches students in the UW-Madison Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement (DDEEA) with academic coaches
Residential Learning Communities (RLC)
Careers in STEM
SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Science prepares undergraduates for satisfying and rewarding careers.
Together, we support faculty and staff in helping students to increase their career-readiness. In partnership, we can help students understand the relationship of their majors to careers. We can help students be less focused on “what can I do with this major?” and instead be immerse themselves in their academic pursuits while simultaneously planning for a productive future.