CAE has reservable rooms for students!
You may want to use the room for the following:
- Tutoring sessions or study
- Virtual interviews or teletherapy
- Practice presentations
- Rest and quiet
- Prayer or meditation
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
When can I reserve rooms, and for how long?
You can schedule a room between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm on most weekdays.
Reservations may be between 0.5 and 2.5 hours.
How can I reserve/reschedule/cancel a room?
To reserve B-36B, use this Doodle:
To reserve B-36C, use this Doodle:
- You will see a calendar. Click on the date you want to reserve, and then on the time you would like to reserve.
- You will get two emails: One from “Bascom 36b” or “Bascom 36c” with an Outlook invitation. Accept the invitation to have the reservation placed in your Outlook calendar. Keep these emails!
- If you would like to reserve the space for longer than 30 minutes, you will have to book separately for each 30-minute block.
To reschedule, go to the email from Doodle and follow the instructions to reschedule.
To cancel, go to the email from “Bascom 36b” or “Bascom 36c” and click on “No” to cancel. You can also do this directly from your calendar.