Students who have been required by the College of Letters and Science to take time off from their undergraduate studies due to their academic performance (that is, who have been dropped) must apply for readmission with an L&S Assistant Dean to be eligible for re-entry through the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. (Please note that a student is never guaranteed readmission after taking off one full year. Readmission is most likely if the student has been proactive in preparing for a successful return and addressing the issues that prevented him/her from being successful before being dropped.)
Students may appeal for readmission by calling for appointment at L&S Academic Dean’s Services (ADS): 608-262-0617
CAE Dean’s Appointment Hours: 9:00 am – 12:00 p.m. on Thursdays – during these time frames:
- Fall & Summer Readmission: March 15 – May 15
- Spring Readmission: September 15 – November 15
1. Complete the L&S Readmission Form, which is linked from this Dean’s Services page.
2. Gather evidence that you have met and discussed your academic plans with your departmental / program advisor in your intended area of study. While meeting with your advisor, it is expected that together you will:
- Develop a reasonable enrollment plan for the term you intend to return
- Create a realistic degree completion plan
Please include your advisor’s name and contact information, and bring both to your appointment.
3. Collect transcript(s) of any other schools you may have attended while away from the UW-Madison. Bring such transcript(s) with you to your appointment – even if you have courses-in-progress. This will help the Readmissions Dean understand how you’ve been preparing for your return to the UW-Madison.
4. To strengthen your appeal for readmission, you may also bring other documentation that speaks to your school readiness. For example, this may include a letter from an employer or volunteer organization.
5. Finally, if the dean approves your readmission appeal, the final step is for you to complete a Re-entry Application using the link on the home page of your MyUW Student Center found on the UW-Madison website
6. If you are readmitted, you will be readmitted on Strict Probation. This means that your first semester back at UW is a delicate time. Careful academic planning and focus will help you to get back on good academic standing. To accomplish this, it is expected that you will –
- Work closely with your academic advisor,
- Utilize professors’ office hours,
- Limit employment responsibilities to no more than ten hours per week, so that you may
- Take serious advantage of the many resources available to you.
Very Important Note: If you are readmitted while you still have classes-in-progress at another school, at the completion of those classes, remember to obtain an official and final transcript that shows your final grades and submit it to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. This is the only way the Office of Admissions can give you credit for transferable courses; it is also the only way to avoid a hold on your academic record.
Admissions Contact Information:
Office of Admissions and Recruitment
702 W. Johnson Street, Suite 1101
Madison, WI 53715-1007
Phone: 608-262-3961
Fax: 608-262-7706