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CAE Career-Ready Internship Program Outcomes


The CAE Career-Ready Internship Program matches current L&S juniors and seniors with for-profit and nonprofit employers based on employers’ talent needs and students’ career interests. The goal of the CAE Career-Ready Internship Program is to diversify the workforce through the development of talented, low-income students, with an emphasis on students of color, preparing them to be business and community leaders. The Program is currently funded by a grant from Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation.

The CAE Career-Ready Internship Program is a high impact practice that is comprised of the following goals:

  1. Diversifying the workforce
  2. Providing paid internship opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds
  3. Developing talent and building industry/career networks for students from diverse backgrounds
  4. Helping to fulfill the Wisconsin Idea
  5. Connecting students to reflective opportunities to enhance their internship experience

"My internship experience revealed a new pathway for a career possibility.”

CAE Career-Ready Internship Program Student Intern

What our employer partners say about our program


“We always enjoy working with students and the creativity and talent that they bring.”

“As a brand-new business owner, this program has been a lifesaver for me. I could not afford to hire any staff, even though I desperately need the help. Not only was I able to hire a great intern, but the financial assistance has made it possible. I am so grateful for this program!”

“It has been an honor to provide students with this [internship] opportunity. I have had some great mentors in my life, and I feel like I am returning the favor through this internship program.”

Did you know?

Financial assistance for student intern wages is available to Program Employer Partners

“I got to become part of a dedicated team that is truly passionate.”

CAE Career-Ready Internship Program Student Intern

By The Numbers

  • 100%  of student interns in Program are from low-economic backgrounds
  •  Between Spring 2016 – Spring 2017, the Program has:
    o   Placed students in 96 paid part-time internships
    o   Engaged with over 85 employer partners from both corporate and nonprofit sectors

What our student interns say about our program


Did you know?

Student interns earn $12/hour in career-related internship experiences


“I’ve learned that I need a career that can engage both my desire to discover how the natural world works and my passion for public engagement and sharing of information. My future lies at the intersection of people, communication, nature, and science, and [my internship employer] showed me that it is very possible to have a career that includes everything I want in it.”

“I was able to see my ideas cross the threshold into reality and become stories that are shared on the local, state, and national level. I knew that my work mattered and people were out there listening.”

“One of the most positive aspects of my internship was being able to work with and make connections with successful, outgoing people.”

“The experience was great! Thanks to CAE for making this a possibility!”