Lauren Bullock

Lauren Bullock

Where were you born: Milwaukee, WI

Where are you from: Greenfield, WI

Major: Communication Disorders, Certificate in Education and Educational Services

Year in school: Junior

Interests/hobbies: Playing sports and being active, intramural volleyball

Involvement on campus: Badgers for Special Olympics, National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Career aspirations: I hope to get a Master’s in speech pathology, and I am looking to work with elementary school kids in speech therapy.

Could you describe how the Center for Academic Excellence contributed to your education?

At first I was very nervous going into CAE; however, I soon found it to be very helpful as I took advantage of the numerous tutoring opportunities they offered. I also want to highlight how helpful it is to have your own personal advisor, which not all students have. My CAE advisor was very helpful in advising me with my schedule and what courses to take. Furthermore, CAE and the Summer Collegiate Experience made it easier for me to form new friendships. Believe it or not, I made one of my best friends the first night of SCE! These friendships made me feel more comfortable and at home once the school year started.

What advice would you give incoming students in order to ease their transition from high school to college?

I suggest that students not be afraid to go outside of their comfort zone and for them to join the many student organizations on campus. This is a time to try something new and to reinvent yourself, but don’t forget that school comes first!

What tips would you give to students who have a hard time getting to know their professors?

Don’t be afraid to raise your hand and ask questions in lecture if you feel something isn’t clear to you. You should go to your professors and teaching assistant’s office hours with questions ready to ask. When meeting with your advisors, make sure to have a planned agenda of what you are visiting them for in order to get the best advising.

When you were an incoming freshman, what was something you would have liked to known?

I wish I would have believed in myself more and told myself I could do it. Every student here is smart and significant in their own way; I don’t need to be comparing myself to others. My experience doesn’t have to be like everyone else’s.

What does being a Badger mean to you?

Being a Badger means to get up on Saturday mornings for game day, walking up Bascom Hill while hating it and loving it at the same time, taking advantage of both the social and academic opportunities our University has to offer, and finally to reinvent and to find yourself along this journey of yours.