Graeme Sua

Looking back, what was the best part of your college experience?
I truly valued sharing, learning, and cooperating with my fellow classmates, friends, and colleagues throughout my time on the UW-Madison campus. Whether in my work with Undergraduate Advocacy for Human Rights or Powers-Knapp Scholarship, the relationships I have made on this campus will follow me long after graduation.
What was your favorite class/course and why?
African Languages Literature 669 – African Film Studies taught by Professor Mathew Brown. This course is a review of African screen media that features multiple film screenings, interactive discussion, and opportunities to meet with film directors and actors.
How has attending the University of Wisconsin–Madison impacted your life?
In my time at the University of Wisconsin–Madison I have gained many educational, social, and cultural experiences that have and will shape the person I strive to become moving forward. I hope in my time at this school I have left a legacy that other students of color can follow leading to enhanced campus diversity and achievement.
What does it mean to be a Badger?
Being a Badger means being a part of a litany of high-achieving, community-oriented, and committed individuals who all work toward a goal of bettering Wisconsin, this country, and the world at large.
Who has helped you along your journey here and can you describe their impact?
Throughout my journey on this campus, Lauren Szafranski in the Center for Academic Excellence and Jacklyn John Fischer with the Powers-Knapp Scholarship have both been extremely helpful as mentors, advisors, advocates, and friends. I will always remember and value their contribution to my undergraduate experience and to my personal development.