With our “for the students, by the students” membership, the board provides CAE students with a space to voice ongoing concerns and give feedback to CAE administration to promote change within the CAE community.
By serving on Student Advisory Board, CAE students can gain professional leadership development by representing student voices and experiences. This leadership role shapes the experiences and services that the Center for Academic Excellence works to provide to give the best experience to our CAE students.
Advisory board projects:
- Programming changes such as financial literary, study jam, résumé and cover-letter workshop, cooking class, and social hour;
- Informed end-of-semester survey for CAE students;
- Contributed to planning of capstone, SCE, and graduation;
- CAE representation on admission panels and academic policy forum.
Become a Board Member
During the fall semester, an email is sent to all members of the CAE community with information on how to join. Board members are volunteers and encouraged to participate year-long.
If you missed that email, that’s okay! Sign up for the Fall 2022 advisory board here by September 24: https://forms.gle/fAqm9zxEp6R7xHhz6
Questions? Contact Monica Prado.