Davina Rae DiPaolo

Where were you born: Chicago, IL
Where are you from: Chicago, IL
Major: International Studies, certificate in Global Cultures
Year in school: Class of 2014
Interests/hobbies: Writing, drawing, painting, cooking, learning new languages
Involvement on campus: Program Administrative Assistant for the Chancellor’s and Powers-Knapp Scholarship Programs
Career aspirations: Executive Director of a nonprofit
Looking back, what was the best part of your college experience?
The best part of my college experience was the friends that I made along the way. I’ve made lifelong friends at UW, all of whom are very different from me. I learned a lot about myself and about others through these friendships, and I am grateful to have been lucky enough to meet such incredible people. The second best part of my college experience was studying abroad in Rome. It was an absolutely incredible and enriching experience that I will never forget.
What was your favorite class/course and why?
One of my favorite classes at UW-Madison was International Health and Global Society. I do not consider myself to be very “good at science”; however, learning about the history of international health from 1750 to the present time offered me a new perspective into a discipline that I had not explored much in the past. This class has stood out in my mind because of the material we read, the movies we watched, and my professor having done a great job of taking us back in time.
How has attending the University of Wisconsin -Madison impacted your life?
Attending UW-Madison has helped shape who I am today. This school has given me a great sense of belonging and purpose within its community. I have been pushed to challenge myself and to think critically. The intelligence and insight from students, faculty, and staff that I have come across during my time here have often inspired me. I am grateful to be among such accomplished individuals, and this college has taught me to set high goals and expectations for myself.
What does it mean to be a Badger?
Being a Badger means that you have a great sense of loyalty and pride for UW-Madison and its fellow Badgers. It means that you are hard-working, trustworthy, and sincere. And it means that you love Bucky!
Who has helped you along your journey here and can you describe their impact?
Many people have helped me along my journey here; among them, my friends and family in particular. My family supported my decision to go to an out-of-state school, and they gave me encouragement and strength whenever I needed it. My friends have served as a second family to me. They’ve also given me strength and confidence in myself. The Pathways program also played a great role in helping me during my first few years of college and well beyond. The program helped provide a welcoming community within a very large campus. Its faculty and staff shared a great passion for providing greater opportunities to their students, and their encouragement and belief in our potential helped me greatly.