Anhthu Huynh

Where were you born: Vietnam
Where are you from: Apple Valley, MN
Year in school: Junior
Major: Marketing
Interests/hobbies: Snowboarding and camping
Involvement on campus: Multi-Cultural business society, Hoofers
Career aspirations: I am looking to work in a company’s marketing division and hopefully invest in my own marketing firm one day.
What have you gained the most from the Pathways Program?
The best thing about being in the Pathways Program was having my own advisor and building a relationship with them. They played a pivotal role throughout my time at UW-Madison. They were always willing to answer any questions I had, and I could come to them to talk about both academic and personal matters.
What do you feel is an advantage of being a CAE scholar?
An advantage of being a CAE scholar is that you get a great opportunity to find the right tutor for you in a short time. Also, there are other students who are a part of CAE that you are able to socialize and network with.
What has been your best college experience?
The great thing about college is that you will be meeting many people from different parts of the world and of different cultures. I was able to meet one of my best friends during a volunteer trip I signed up for.
What advice would you give to students to increase their cultural competency?
Make sure to attend as many cultural events from student orgs and other community organizations that Madison has to offer. Most of these events are free to the public, and you’re guaranteed to have a good time!
What advice would you give to incoming students?
If you’re joining a business student org like mine, make sure to dress at least business casual or dress for the occasion. Remember that college is a marathon and not a sprint; give yourself some breathing room so you aren’t overwhelmed all the time.